Community News

In light of warmer days ahead and possible pool installations, a reminder…

The zoning requirements for private swimming pools can be found on the Village’s website under Government in the Zoning Ordinance, page 9. If you have any questions, please call 419-753-2160.



The Splash Pad is expected to open Memorial Day weekend.


For info on the 2025 New Knoxville Independence Day Celebration go to



Community Garage Sales will be September 12-13, 2025.






Town Hall office hours are Monday – Thursday 8 am – 4 pm.

For utility payments, the deposit box in the alley is still available.

We also offer an autopay option for your utility bill.

If you would like to get set up on autopay, please come in and fill out a form

or click on the "Forms and Documents" tab and download the Direct Payment Authorization form.